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I'm Emma. I'm a little lost and very in love with the world.

I'm writing my way through the year, and I hope you join me in writing your own way through yours. 

I have kept a journal since I was twelve. I’ve written poetry, short stories, and I’m halfway through a novel. 

I wanted to start a blog because I wanted to dive deeper into my mind, and I wanted to affirm myself in the ways I had always hoped other people would.

I’ve been waiting for others my whole life. I’ve been waiting to be chosen and held, to be selected for the job, to be told I’m beautiful, I’m brilliant, I’m the one.

I’m done giving other people all the power. I’m writing to take the power back. 

I’m writing and publishing my words as a way of saying yes yes yes to myself. As I write, there’s this dialogue where I ask myself "what does it feel like, what do you think?” and I’m not questioning whether that is the right thing to feel or think. I’m just saying yes over and over again. 

Writing is affirmation after affirmation. It is a gift, an opening, a permission slip.

I invite you to join me. Write. Write about all of it, say no to none of it. Let it out, give it space to breathe. Maybe you only write once a month, maybe you only write in lists. Whatever your mode, I hope my writing resonates with you, and I hope it helps you get somewhere, wherever you need to be.  

AND: I invite you to write alongside me. I’ll be posting journal prompts at the end of each post, inspired by whatever I was trying to unpack, or whatever themes emerged. You can also click on the “Weekly Journal Prompts” at the top of the site. And if you have ideas or advice, if you want to collaborate, or if you have poems or books for me to read, please fill out the contact form.

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